留芬华人生命科学学会(Chinese Association of Life Science in Finland/Kiinan Luonnontieteitten Yhdis, CALSiF)是一个独立的学术性的非赢利组织,成立于2004年1月。自成立以来,协会一直致力于加强留芬华人生命科学工作者的学术交流,鼓励与其他相关协会的文化交流。协会中有不少高水平学者积极参与并主持中芬两国生命科学领域的科研项目,为中芬两国生命科学事业做出了有益的贡献。
We the Chinese Scholars of life science who are studying or working in Finland in order to enhance communication among ourselves, promote the cooperation, friendship and cultural exchange with Finnish scholars and other ethnic groups, establish this Chinese Association of Life Science in Finland, which shall be here after abbreviated as and referred to as"CALSiF".
This is an independent, scientific and nonprofit organization (Rekisteröity Yhdistys, Ry).